Last seen: February 12, 2025 11:46 pm
I'll be bringing some syno catfish, moscow guppies, angelfish, and guppy grass. Possibly some Monte Christo cichlids and some Smaller central American...
@paxton Welcome to the club, Mark! What types of fish are you breeding? Check out the BAP Forum for the latest and greatest on how to get points for y...
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Congrats on your success. Looking forward to seeing fry pics!
Updated availability! Fish are going fast!
I was the same way. Hard to get out and about to look around. But good in the long run!
Did anyone pick up any cool fish, decor, plants or tanks? I got some of Andrew Higley's cool blue shrimp. Super nice! My frozen blood worms melted all...
Here is the current layout for the swap. We have 46 tables spoken for! That is a great turnout and there should be plenty of cool fish for everyone to...
I have fry of the following fish: Synodontis lucipinnis Light marble/Dark marble angelfish Corydoras sterbai Aulonocara kandeense - Small, Very...
I really wish I have my Salt Water tank set up. That purple tang sounds fantastic. It was nice chatting with you. I know someone is going to end up wi...
Updated the drawing with a couple folks going from 1 to 2 tables. Currently, there are 5 tables left! 2 Days till set up 3 days till swap!!!!
Good timing Tim!