@fanning88 I do have 1 pair I can sell should be about same size as what you have from the swap. Are you going to be at meeting tomorrow?
Ok. That is great. No I won't be the meeting but I will be in kc. I am curios what the meetings are for?
Ok. That is great. No I won't be the meeting but I will be in kc. I am curios what the meetings are for?
The meetings are for education. Tomorrow's meeting has Justin Titus talking about pond plants and he is bringing a good number of plants that will be auctioned off after his talk.
@fanning88 I usually get there around noon to set up. Meeting is 1 to 3:30 or 4.
Ok. I will try to get down there before it starts. Thanks
@hchurch Mostly yes. Anything specific you’re looking for?
Hey, join our 'Big Muddy Aquatics' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities!
I have fry of the following fish:
- Synodontis lucipinnis
- Light marble/Dark marble angelfish
- Corydoras sterbai
- Aulonocara kandeense - Small, Very dark purplish blue peacock
- Neocardinia davidi - Red Cherry Shrimp
In process of trying to breed. Most are growing out, waiting for them to get in the mood or need a few more to complete the breeding colony:
- Synodontis sp. "pink" - Growing out
- Synodotis multipunctatus - Growing out
- Corydoras panda - waiting
- Corydoras trilineatus - waiting
- Corydoras habrosus - waiting
- Corydoras similis - Growing out
- Erethistes jerdoni - Dwarf Anchor Catfish - Growing out
- Albino hoplo catfish - Growing out
- Ancistrus sp. - Albino Long Fin Pleco - Growing out
- Ancistrus sp. - Calico Long Fin Pleco - Growing out
- Peckoltia compta - L134 - Leopard Frog Pleco - On order
- Penaqolus maccus - L104 - Clown Pleco - Growing out
- Hypancistus sp. - L201 - Waiting
- Panaqolus albivermis - L204 - Flash Pleco - Waiting
- Hypansistrus zebra - L46 - Zebra Pleco - Need more!
- Noturus albater - Slender Madtom - Growing out
- Green Swordtails - Growing out
- Moenkhausia pittieri - Diamond tetras - In Spawning tank
- Phenacogrammus interruptus - Congo tetra - Growing out
- Melanotaenia praecox - Neon Dwarf Rainbow - Growing out
- Cambarellus patzciarensis - Mexican orange crayfish - eggs on tail!
- Aulocara sp. "Turquis" - Waiting
- Crytocara moori - Blue Dolphin cichlid - Waiting
- Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" - Star Sapphire Hap - Growing out
Nice list, Mikey!
Hi All-
For those that have heard me complain about having to move. Well, I'm not moving! A good and bad thing.
So, I am going to have an opportunity to "re-build" my fish room. I'll keep everyone posted when I can start breeding some fish.
Cheers --
@fanning88 I'd like to get some of the starlight bristlenose. You were sold out when I got to the last swap meet. We can discuss if you want to send a pm, but them forum won't let me since I just registered.
@ksuvet sorry, I am out at the moment. But I do have some cool l398 plecos. I also have a couple of smaller longfin blue eyed bristlnose, albino and regular bristlnose and a few longfin bristlnose left. I will have a few l340 in about a month they will be ready. The l183 go pretty fast usually.
@bigmuddyaquatics Hi there - do you have any panda garras (either), blue mosaic (males), and dragon guppy (males )available? Are you in the KC area? I want to do a fancy guppy tank with my kids, and I'd love to add some garras to my existing community tank.