I breed bettas, mostly halfmoon plakats. I'm cleaning out the fish room, so I'll have some pet quality bettas at the swap this weekend. I'm hoping to spawn the pairs pictured below in the next month or two, so I'll have more available early next year.
@fishdoc How "true" do betta of this quality breed? How hard do you have to cull the fry?
- @jcurts I haven’t worked with this specific color before. In my experience, the thicker scaled metallics and dragons breed pretty true. Marble and butterfly patterns on the other hand usually only make up a small percentage of fry. It’s mostly solid, bicolor, or cellophane. I’m guessing I’ll get a lot of solid black with blue scaling. I know this line has red too, so I’ll likely get some with red fins as well.
@northlandfishanditguy Live Art Aquatics has Panda Garras on their stock list. I have been tempted to order some to add to mine. They are pretty pricey. But you don't have to pay shipping.
I currently am out of Star Sapphires. I think I might be able to find one male and 5 females. All about 3 inches long. Unless someone wants some fry I won't be selling any more.
I have some Chindongo saulosi fry for $5 ea 3 for $10. I have one adult male I would sell. These are a true dwarf mbuna that is not collected in Lake Malawi. They were reintroduce to the lake by some concerned exporters and collectors.
I have some clown labs, another dwarf cichlids growing out.
I am out of white clouds and zebra danios.
I have Pygmy Cories and Fancy Black-Dalmatian Mollies available and will soon have Koi Swordtails. Also Cherry Shrimp.
Let me know if you're interested. We can meet up or I can bring them to the meeting.
@janolson I would love to know which Cory’s you breed and what the cost is. I’ve been looking for a local Breeder who might have done of what I really want.
I’m also getting regular spawns of paleatus but they are voracious egg eaters.
@fanning88 Do you breed Neolamprologus caudopunctatus? Thanks!
Hi. I’m looking for someone in the Kansas City area who breeds anglers guppies and who might sell me a few?
@lonewalker I don't but I do know someone in Iowa that sells them. They are $15 each.