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[Sticky] Breeder Award Program Rules and Forms

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Breeders Award Program – BAP

If you like to breed fish, this is the program for you.  BAP is a reward program that recognizes individuals that breed their tropical fish.  It is modeled after the OKAA system and rewards individuals in a variety of ways for breeding fish.  If you breed one type of fish or you want to be a Master Breeder of a multitude of fish, there are awards that recognize both types of breeders. 

You do have to be a HAAS member to participate, but participation is fairly simple.  After you breed a fish, you fill out the BAP form.  Once the fish fry are 30 days old, submit the form to any member of the BAP team, email the form to or paste in as attachment on the website.  You then bring in a bag of the fry and this gets auctioned off as a donation to the club.  This helps offset the costs of awards and managing the program.  If you do not wish to donate fry, you can donate $5 to the club to buy your fry back or you can write an article on how to breed the fish that you spawned.  We will tally your points and once you have enough points accumulated, you will be recognized during one of our meetings.

The new BAP was revamped in 2009.  I want to thank all of those that have participated and submitted their entries in both the old and current versions of BAP. We are looking to take it to another level.  I will be posting current totals of BAP Points earned, soon. We will be looking to improve our communication of the program and possibly modifying it to make it even better. I hope to create a database to store all of this data in next year (2024).

We have made every attempt to make this a fair program and one that encourages hobbyists to propagate their fish.  If you want to participate in BAP and have questions, feel free to contact me at (913) 568-4014 or email at  Below is a presentation we put together awhile back. It's a little bit old but mostly relevant. Breed those fish, fill out the forms and see you at a meeting soon!

This topic was modified 1 year ago 3 times by kcmikey
This topic was modified 5 days ago by kcmikey

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BAP Rules (Word Doc)


BAP Rules (PDF)


BAP Submission Form (Excel Doc)

BAP Submission Form (PDF)

This post was modified 1 year ago by kcmikey
This post was modified 5 days ago by kcmikey

mofunnyfarm and jcurts reacted
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Thanks Mike, I'm glad we finally got this posted. Now it is up to the membership to participate. Don't over think this program! Even if your spawn was accidental. Maybe your fish just did it on their own, you still maintained the tank well enough for them to do their thing. Fill out a form and get credit for it. If you put 2 guppies in a 5-gallon tank and now you have 20 fill, fill out a form. If you need help with your form, ask. We were all new once. 

mofunnyfarm reacted