I have the following fish for sale and will add more soon.
4 Cyrtocara moori - Dolphin Cichlids! Good size malawiian hap - $15 ea
4 Synodontis multipunctatus - Very large adults 6" - Cuckoo syno. - $40 ea
3 Synodontis multipunctatus - Juveniles - 2+" - $20 ea
3 Synodontis sp. Pink - Adults - 3" - Spawned once - $15 ea
50+ Synodontis lucipinnis - Juveniles 1" - $6 ea or 6 for $30
12 Synodontis lucipinnis - Breeding Adults - $25 ea. or 5 for $100
3 - 4 Orange Dwarf Mexican Crayfish - 1 M and 2 F + extra from first spawn - 1.5". $10 ea
Fry - 3/4" Growing out well - $4 ea or 3 for $10 Pending Jeff
Heros severus - Green Severum - Adults 4+" - $10 for pair - Sold
2 Hoplarchus psittacus - Nice semi adults. - Beautiful 8" fish! - $60 ea or both for $100
6-8 Hypsophrys nicarguensis - 4" - Unique Central American - Nice looking bronze/blue/green fish - $15 ea
6-8 Oscura heterospila - 3" - Slow growing Central American - Mottled pattern/coloration - $10 ea - group for $50
3 Cryptoheros panamense - 4-5" - M/F/F - Mauve colored mottled pattern - very unique Central American from Panama - $10 ea
3 Medium Angelfish - 1 Marble, 1 Marble with long flowing veil fins and 1 Zebra (extra stripe) with veil fins. $8 each or all 3 for $20
6-7 Breeding group of Diamond Tetras - Beautiful flowing fins - Very sparkly! - $20 for the group Pending Tim
I may add more fish to this list as I get started on this project.
Fish are in Raymore, MO
email - michael@meyer.net or text - 913-568-4014. I can provide photos if needed. Mike
do you still have your 3 Angels for $200.00
Updated availability! Fish are going fast!