Homebred Green Cory...
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Homebred Green Corydoras for sale

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Hey, Fish Club Folks -

I've had some Green (aeneus) corydoras take off and breed like crazy. Trying to sell some off... I have tons of corydoras to pick from; $4 for an unsexed fry ~1" minimum, $5 for the next size up ~1.5-2", also unsexed. $8 for the 2."+ size. I prefer to sell them in minimum groups of 3-6; they prefer to be in larger groups and can school.

6+ is a good number, with a large enough tank(~20-30 gal+), longer rather than taller for more perimeter to patrol. Sandy substrate, softer for their mouths/barbells.  I can meet you at a fish club meet to bring them. I'll pick quality fish, and can message you care notes. Message/contact me for more questions or to place an order.  I have picture/video on my Instagram and Facebook.


I also have TONS of brown ramshorn snails, at least about ~0.25"-0.5" size. Have some larger ~.75" size, too. 

5 snails for $2.50.

10 snails for $4.

20 for $7.50


I should have some blue miyuki medaka ricefish fry in about a month or so...got some recently & they've been spawning. Will need to hatch and grow out first. 





Thanks, and have a great week!

-Jessica with J.H. Aquatics

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