We had a disappointing turnout for the November Bowl Show with as many people that attended the meeting.
1 bowl
Doryfish Neon tetras
So, Dory's bowl pushed her into first place for the year. The Moral of the story is participate. If you do you could win fabulous prizes at the end of the year.
I will bring the prizes to the December meeting.
Final standings
1st Doryfish 50 pts
2nd Julianaquatics 45 pts
3rd Walter 35pts,
4th Jan 15 pts
5th David Day 10 pts and JulieHirner 10 pts
7th Justin, Josiah, Rodger 5pts
congrats Dory, I should have brought my two neons this last meeting. lol. I was so close.
LOL, I want to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to win first place!!
I will admit I thoroughly enjoy participating when I can.
@doryfish1021 I think the rescue turtle made all the difference over the year, especially since he is living his best life back in the wild .