With the upcoming plant auction at the February club meeting, I realized that I am going to need to open up some tank space. I’ve got so many bronze cories that I can’t get to the substrate. Therefore, I’m willing to let go of some of them for the low low price of $1 each for delivery at the meeting. I also have a nice breeding group of adult bronze Cories that are laying tons of eggs every week. Since I don’t have the tank space to raise them up I’d like to see them lay those eggs for another member. I believe there’s 7 adults in the group that I’d like to get $25 for.
I still have the Albino Long Fin Peppered Cory breeding group looking for a new home and a few of their offspring still available from my previous post on this thread.
Message me through the forum or send me an email at jan@unioncove.com
The Albino Peppered Cory breeding group is spoken for. I still have a very few of their juveniles left at $4 each.
The Bronze Cory breeding group is still available as are the $1 juveniles. If you’d like anything delivered to tomorrow’s plant auction, I’ll need to know by 10:00 am Saturday morning. Thanks for looking.