I wanted everyone to know that we will be bringing a few items to the Christmas Party that Randy Holmes left for us to auction off. Randy was a huge supporter or the club and one of his wishes were his fish would go to club members. Of course the logistics of getting items from his house to club members is a lot of work Traveling to Smithville,catching the fish, storing the fish bringing the fish to club meetings/auctions/swaps. That is just the fish and plants. There is also tanks, equipment, food, books, racks, stands, lights, etc. We wanted to focus on mostly livestock at first but we will also spread it out over the next few meetings.
Currently, in stock are Neolamprologus lelupi Qty ~8, Metriaclima estherae Qty~8 (a couple OBs and some reg zebra), Flying Fox, Siamese Algae eater, juvenile kribs ~8, 3 Giant Gold Severum 10"+ 2 Male/1 Female, Hemichromis exsul ~10 nice bright red jewel cichlids, huge congo tetras ~ qty 10, Red Rainbows qty 4, roseline sharks qty ~8 Very nice and very large! Various Bristlenose to be listed later Super Reds, Albinos, Browns both LF and SF.
Fish Food, Flake and Pellets, Heaters, Giant Fishroom Blower, Filters (Sponge and Box), Pleco caves.
TANKS to be available soon:
30 Breeders, 40 Breeders, 10's, 15's, 20L's. Odd shaped show tanks, Most tanks come with lids. Most of these available at Jan, Feb or March meeting
Please note, not all fish will be brought to the Christmas party, but if you are interested in purchasing any of the above please let me know and I'll bring those first. I plan on bringing about 5-6 items to sell at the Dec meeting and another 5-6 at the Jan meeting. The rest will be brought at later auction events. There will also be some plants, decor, heaters, filters and food, as well. Happy to share pics of items at my house. Reply to this post to guide me on what to focus on or email me at michael@meyer.net. All proceeds will go back to Randy's family.