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February 27, 2024 10:02 am
At the spring auction we are going to try something new. HAAS has never had bowl shows at our auctions, but we are going to try one this year. In the long-ago days of our past HAAS used to have big aquarium shows with hundreds (maybe not 100's) of bowls and tanks where we showed off to the general public and each other our best fish and aquascaping. Here is your chance to capture some of that past glory. The theme is anything goes, normal rules apply. Every attendee will get a ballot to vote, and I will give every bowl 10 extra points for the yearly contest.
Topic starter
February 27, 2024 10:12 am
I did not realize the rules were not on the forum anymore. Here they are.
Bowl Show Rules
- The bowl shows will take place at the General Monthly Meeting.
- These are not auction fish; you get to take them home if you bring them.
- You bring a Bowl for an entry, one entry per person. The theme will be announced each month and will usually have something to do with the presentation going on.
- People's Choice award – all meeting attendees get 1 vote.
- Fishbowls up to 5 gallons are allowed, prefer smaller bowls.
- Winner (and likely the others) get posted on the forums (if someone remembers to take pictures)
- Bowls should be aquascaped to make the residents more comfortable, but the decorations should not affect the voting.
- One entry per person. Each member of the family can enter the contest provided the specimen entered is primarily cared for by the contestant.
- This is both a monthly and a yearly contest. Each participant will receive 5 points. The bowl with the most votes will get 20 additional points for a total of 25. The bowl with the second most points will be awarded an additional 10 points for a total of 15 points. Monthly prizes (chosen by the bowl show chairman) will be given out for first and second places. After the November bowl show all points awarded for the year will be added up and a yearly prizes (chosen by the bowl show chairman) will be awarded for first, second and third places.