What’s everyone planning on bringing to the swap next month?
What’s everyone looking for as buyers?
Is there an auction at the swap?
I may bring some Neocaridina Shrimp , sail fin Mollies and Koi Swordtails.
I'm looking for cultures for live food. I haven't had a chance to follow with anyone from the meeting.
And plants I'm pretty full on fish but I'll won't rule it out. 😁
no auction, just swap.
I hope I can find some rice fish, or killis.
my brine shrimp that I hatch dont seem to stay alive for long.
I'm not a seller this year..... looking for corydora's, pleco's, dwarf cichlids, shrimp...... floating red root, moss, plants in general.
Looking forward to the swap, hope to see you there.
Dwarf Cichlids:
Apistogramma cacatuoides’Triple Red’
Apistogramma agassizii ‘Double Red’
Apistogramma sp. Tefe ‘Pearl Blue’
Amatitlania nanolutea
Black Bar Endlers
Mixed Platies
Water Sprite
Java Moss
Some quantities are limited. Contact me to reserve.
@mberges I will have guppy grass and some Amazon swords plants
Pinapple sword tails, cobra guppies, longfin Danio’s
I will be bring plecos, cichlids, some used equipment and maybe a few plants.
I don’t have you registered for a table at the swap unless it is under a different name. We can get you set up, there is link you can use in the forum on registering or just email your information to swap@kcfishclub.org. Look forward to having you join us.
@tim I have been sending emails asking to register for a table but I have not gotten no replies. You can contact me at 913-804-5775.
I have tried to register to. And have not gotten any reply back either.
Great event! Thanks to everyone that helped a first-timer!