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Question Has anyone used Green Water Labs' Algae control?

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Day 65: Thursday 01/25/24

No abnormalities or adverse effects in evidence. Return to regular schedules.

Whatever the plants like, do that.

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Day 70: Tuesday 01/30/24

Previously in this last week, filter changes with about a 12% water change, intake tubes changed, thorough glass scraping all around. Yesterday all infested plant leaves were pruned, and many plants were removed altogether. This included a good deal of the larger Crypts. I think AC might have been killing or inhibiting the dark green film but actually removing the algae still required total removal of infested plant parts. 

With these Crypts gone and the Java Fern also pruned and cleaned up, the algae in this tank is now seemingly abating. As previously discussed, I am not seeing any other types of algae anywhere except for the green periphyton which always is first visible on the front glass when lit, and that is not vigorous. The hardscape has some of this black film but I am not removing these rocks for certain reasons; I suspect time and process will deal with it naturally. Also yesterday I did another 12% "big gulp" water change. Even with the SWCR, I suspect DOM exportation has not been what it needs to be.

Something I'm appreciating the importance of now: I have significantly lowered the prevailing KH. 

First 16 oz AC at 07:35; second 16 oz AC at 08:28. The usual COD bump with pH and ORP drops.

As said earlier, it's clear that AC does kill algae. My plan is to continue dosing AC through the next two cycles and then to stop with this treatment. Part of the overall assessment of the product will include observations made after the treatment is stopped.

Whatever the plants like, do that.

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Given results so far, I don't see moving forward as promising anything new. Nothing is to be gained by going on. I will hold these last two treatments in reserve just in case I need another reset. The present dose expires Tuesday, but I have already done some sizable water changes, so I am calling it. 

Algae Control is demonstrably effective against at least some types of algae and cyano. It is slow acting so results seem sketchy at first. It is not a chemically synthetic algicide with a definable lethal dose specification. It is organic in the sense that it is naturally derived and also re-integrates instantly with natural waters. So many factors weigh in on the variability of its effectiveness, it is difficult to say how much improvement is due to other measures taken to get at the root of the algae problem and how much to the impact of Algae Control. I believe that is just the point of this product. I would say it is meant to be a useful part of the anti-algae protocol, not a total solution. Therefore it must be cautioned that every tank is different and every algae problem is different and every aquarist is different, so the only way a prospective user would know for sure whether Algae Control works is to try it. But it will definitely not work if the aquarist expects the product to be a rapid cure without also addressing the real algae problem. 

Green Water Labs points out that some patience is required. The product is natural and has a subtlety to it; respect the process. If you don't see some improvement in just a few days at the minimum dose, increase the dose, and expect that this will be an extended course of treatment. You will very probably not get instant results because Algae Control is not that kind of product. Is it intended to be used on a regular basis from now on, or is it best used only as a weapon in a campaign against an algal uprising? I have just used it in the latter application, and have no intention of being hooked on it. Aside from the fact that I need to hone my skills and coexist with algae on terms acceptable to me without resort to putting something special in the water, Algae Control is expensive, especially for big tanks.

That Algae Control can be shown to effectively inhibit algae I have no doubt. It is its method of use that determines whether it is feasible for the individual aquarist. Whether it "works" is a judgement call, depending on your specific set of acceptance criteria.

I would definitely not discourage trying Algae Control, but you have to take it on its own terms. Hopefully your tank size won't make it prohibitively expensive, but plan on a course of several treatments too see any real effects or don't waste your money. Go to GWL's website and read everything, work out a dosage plan, and buy the package in one go because you get quantity discounting. In the meantime, keep trying to solve the problem by all other means.

A question I am looking to answer next is whether there is a regime for using concentrated barley straw extract that would be as effective? Then, how would the costs compare? CBSE is pretty pricey stuff.

Thanks for the attention. Hope you found it useful in some way.

Whatever the plants like, do that.

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@paul-g Thanks Paul. We are all looking for a magic bullet to control algae growth but few of us are as patient and systematic as you. We welcome your experimentation and are glad you take us along. Keep up the good work.

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