I plan on bringing/donating groups of the following for mini-auction at the Dec 9 meeting:
Haplochromis sp. Ruby Green group
Hyphessobrycon sp. Infernalis
Hyphessobyrcon sp. Ghost
Copella arnoldi
Astyanax xavante
Hyphessobrycon sp. Fairy Black
Hyphessobrycon itaparicensis
If you are interested in pre-purchasing any, let me know, I have extras groups of a few of them.
Mikey just posted the BAP forms. Fill some out Steve! 😆 I hope people are smart and Pre-purchase some of your fish.
@julianaquatics No, I haven't given them a try yet. If you like smaller tetras, the Fairy black are basically black glo-lites.
Will also bring group of Coptodon kottae - gold and black cichlid from single lake in West Africa (Lake Kottae).
A special Thanks to you Steve for all of the fish you brought for the mini auction. Your fish along with the other donations raised over $600 for the club.
Also, thanks to all of you who bought items. We ended our year with bang.Â