HAAS is going to be putting together a group buy from the Wet Spot. The plan is for the order to arrive November 9th so you can pick up your fish then at my house or the next day during the normal meeting. The club will be paying the shipping for all paid members, non-members will have to pay a small shipping fee (last time it was $5) based on the shipping bill. The orders need to be sent to finance@kcfishclub.org. Payments can be handled though PayPal, check made out to HAAS or cash, by the time of pickup. I need to call and find out when the order must be in, but it will be either Monday or Tuesday afternoon the week of arrival.
Start checking their site now. It is updated weekly Friday afternoon.
Let me know if you have questions
We need our preliminary order in on Saturday November 2nd. With small add-on's Tuesday. Unfortunately, they will not hold fish prior to our order.
If anyone has Wet Spot gift cards, they want to use. Please include the number with your order when you send it to me on Saturday October 2nd.
Not October. November 2nd. Right?
yes, after the auction so you can spend all the money you make at the auction.
I'm interested. Thanks for doing it. I picked up some things at the auction so I may not have room, but I'll be looking at the site and let you know!
Next Saturday, November 2, is the order deadline don't forget.
Just a couple so far
We are doing inventory on tank space and cross referencing that with our wish-list. I have not done this high level of calculations since graduate school!
I understand your pain.We are doing inventory on tank space and cross referencing that with our wish-list. I have not done this high level of calculations since graduate school!
is anything in stock. their site isn't the easiest to navigate. when I look at corys, nothing is listed. same for everything else. its a bummer.. I was considering rainbows or killis since they always have good quality.
Their website was a little wonky earlier but it seems to be ok now.