April 8, 2023 - Wet Spot Group Order
May 13, 2023 - HAAS Spring Swap - Noon to 3 PM
June 10, 2023 - Justin Titus - Pond Plants 101 - Come see our own HAAS Plant and Pond expert discuss topics on getting your pond plants going for the summer!
July 8, 2023 - Jan Olson - Apistogramma 101 - Discussion on some the most beautiful and tiny cichlids available. Beautiful fish with awesome personalities.
August 12, 2023 - HAAS Summer Swap - Noon to 3 PM
September 9, 2023 - Josh Cunningham - African Cichlid Breeding - New Topic Wabi-Kusa Workshop presented by JulianAquatics.
October 14, 2023 - HAAS Fall Auction - Noon to whenever the last fish is sold. Spring auction was ginormous. This may be even bigger!
November 11, 2023 - Dr. Steve Thornton - Breeding Tetras. Dr. Steve has an enormous list of fish that he has spawned and his current passion is rare an unusual tetras. Learn some tips and tricks and I am sure he'll bring a few examples of fish that you won't see in the stores!
December 9, 2023 - HAAS Holiday Potluck Party. Bring a side dish or dessert and feast with your fellow fish friends while we discuss all of the fun 2023 has done and what direction we will go for 2024.
All meetings start at 1PM and are at Gashland Presbyterian Church at 91st and North Oak Trafficway unless specifically noted. Meetings are upstairs on the North side of the Church. Auctions and Swaps are downstairs in the gym on the South side of the Church.
Thanks to Jeff and everybody else who have worked to have quality programs.
Saturday June 10th Justin will be bringing the following plants to be auctioned off at the end of the meeting.
We had a great turnout, 35+ people, and Justin gave a great talk as usual. The plants sold well and there was even some intense competition of some items.
I was one of them that spent more than I intended too. I just look at it as a way to support the club.
Hi, I’m Betty Marcos and I’m trying to put in my registration for the fall auction. Can I ministration please contact me at 913-804-5775 thank you