Spring Auction is this Saturday 3/10. The auction will start at 12:00 pm. items can be brought in starting at 10:30am . Buyers are welcome at 11am to start viewing items and to get registered. Below is some important info for anyone participating.
Seller Rules -- Selling is open to both non-members and members, with members getting a 70%/30% split and non-member 60%/40%. If you are not a member and want to take advantage of the better split you can join the club the day of the auction. Membership is just $18 a year.
* Each seller can sell a max of 40 items total, with no more the 5 entries of any one variety. for example if you raise convict cichlid you can include as many as you want in a bag but only sell a max of 5 bags. We do allow more then 5 bags if different variations for example you could sell 10 bags of guppies as long it is not more then 5 of the same variety of guppy.
* All items must be entered on the mygroupauction.com site prior to the auction. This site is separate from the club site and if you have not used it before you will need to sign up there and join HAAS as your club. Items can be entered and labels for the bags printed from that site. Items can be entered anytime before the auction but I would encourage you to enter items early. It really helps us plan for the correct number of items as well buyers to see in advance some of the items that will be there. Pictures help and can be included but are not required. If when you are getting ready for the auction you have changes you can edit or delete items already entered.
* Dot system -- In order to be fair to all seller and also to be able to get through the high number of items we usually have we use a dot system. When you arrive you will be given color dots in 4 different color, roughly 25% for each color (Example 40 items = 10 of each color) At the auction the colors will be laid out with one color being the first group of items sold in auction, another color for second group and a third for the final group of items at the end of the auction. This makes sure no one is stuck with all there items at the end. The four color will be items sold in the Dutch auction which will be going on throughout the auction. All sellers must include items in the Dutch auction. You will be able to choose which items you put which items on. While sellers can not switch out colors so everyone has equal number in front middle and end of auction. Exception is you can trade in any color dot for additional Dutch auction items. Often but not always items in Dutch Auction sell for higher amount then end of auction when crowd has died out.
Buyer rules
* All buyers must register for a number prior to bidding. All items must be paid for when you leave and all major forms of payment are accepted. Regular auction items and Dutch auction purchases will be combined in your total at the end.
* Dutch auction items will start at $15 at beginning of auction and go down throughout the day based on sell through until remaining items at end of auction will be $1. No holding of items. You will receive a bid slip receipt when you purchase just like at the regular auction.
* All sales are final!
* We will have food and drinks available for purchase
All marine aquarium supplies are on special at the BIN table. 75% off please remind me at time of purchase, my mind is not what it once was. 🤣