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June 3, 2023 2:56 pm
I have several freshwater fish and plants that I need to rehome since I am going to be leaving for school soon. I have:
- 1 Platinum Pearl Scaled Angelfish
- 1 Biotodoma cupido (small peaceful Amazonian cichlid)
- 1 Wild caught Apistogramma (unknown species)
- A school of Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetras
- A few Cardinal Tetras
- A small school of Julii Corys
- 1 full grown Clown Pleco
- 1 Farlowella catfish
Plant wise I have:
- Amazon swords
- Large amazon Vallisneria
- large Anubis nana
- various java ferns
- assorted crypts
- small Anubis coffefolia
- a marimo moss ball
Message me if you'd be interested in any of these!
June 16, 2023 9:31 pm
How much Val do you have left?