“The Tub Pond Handb...
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“The Tub Pond Handbook: 3rd Ed. Rev.3”

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IMG 9161

Hey there!

Has anyone else read this book? I enjoyed it. Just wondering if it was useful for folks with container ponds. I want to eventually start one or two someday. 

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Yes great book, we also have several outdoor tub keepers in the club if you have questions


LouLouLan15 reacted
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Posted by: @louloulan15


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Hey there!

Has anyone else read this book? I enjoyed it. Just wondering if it was useful for folks with container ponds. I want to eventually start one or two someday. 

I have 2 of his books. I have one in Black and White. There is a lot of good information in his books. Ted has written several books. He is now one of  legends in the hobby.  


LouLouLan15 reacted
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I also have it! Highly recommend. Having an outdoor pond in the summer is really fun and I highly recommend people try it. It wasn't a thing when I was into aquariums back in the early 2000s, so I learned about it recently when I got back into the hobby.


You can get it on Amazon:


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patio ponds are amazing and a great way to get more tanks in without much extra work. You'd be surprised to learn that the Japanese developed pond techniques to carefully cultivate medaka ricefish. In fact rice fish are the most prolific for ponds. They overwinter well if you have a big enough pond. I had a few then closed them down after my garden took over my apartment balcony. 



Bettymarcos reacted
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This is so cool. It’s great to stumble upon good information since the Internet seems full of misinformation! I’d love to have a container garden pond with rice fish (or maybe killifish?) in it! How big must they be to overwinter rice fish? I’m assuming that would necessitate a pond in the ground? Or one that can be moved indoors? I really enjoy the gardening side of things at the moment and hope to start more fish keeping soon! I bought a great book off the MO Dept. of Conservation website about MO pond plants, too. I hope to either buy some or find a landowner that’ll allow me to collect some. 
